The last few weeks I have been in the deepest place. It’s not dark, but it’s a place of complete reflection and silence. It’s not often we have the opportunity to silence our mind, but my schedule cleared, my husband left town for a 5 day trip with friends, and I had the space and time to chill. I took time off. I walked my dog, I read and watched a ton of podcasts. I slept deeply and sprawled across the entire bed. It was bliss. I fed myself delicious food, went in for a shellac manicure and pedicure. I bought gifts for people and sent them off. I didn’t accomplish anything tangible, but I did give myself the gift of time and space. I gave myself permission to chill out and just be present to however I was feeling. It felt like I was in the zero point or set point, the place right before creation.
This is the place right before the archer releases his arrow. It is the place of possibility and opportunity. It is a place of oneness where you are connected to everything but a slave to nothing. Rather than focusing on what I needed to be doing or creating or finishing, I allowed myself the luxury of time. I turned off the mental chatter and allowed only positive thoughts in. I reinforced what I already knew. I am happy. I feel tremendous gratitude for my sons who have grown into beautiful human beings. I’ve loved them fiercely from the moment I met them. I love my husband so deeply, as we have grown up together over the past 34 years. Our partners challenge us and mirror things in us that need healing. He certainly did that for me, and our relationship is beautiful. Score keeping is not allowed, only kindness and compassion and love is allowed in here.
Read more about living from the heart here:
I didn’t stress out about not having clients for a few days. I enjoyed the time to myself. I knew the clients would come and my schedule would fill up. I had a feeling this was a time being gifted to me by the Universe. So many people are constantly doing. They don’t feel good about themselves unless they are doing and achieving and measuring their worth against something external. I took stock of how far I have come on my journey, the people I’ve helped and the people who I have yet to help through difficult times. What a gift it is to know who I am and not have to prove anything to anybody, least of all myself. What a gift to show up in divine love for everyone who comes across my path and detach from any expectation of reciprocation.
The key to being in this divine space was stepping away from the mind and mental chatter and dropping into the heart space. The mind will brow beat you and tell you negative things about yourself and your performance. Your mind is the EGO breaking you down and driving you hard. The heart is much kinder. It loves you and allows you to be who you came here to be. So maybe just for today, drop into your heart space and spend a little time there. Be kind to yourself and replace worry with gratitude. You might be surprised at how you feel afterwards. I know that after 5 days of bliss, I feel like anything is possible for me and so it is.
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