I’ve been noticing a trend lately where every person I know feels the need to be achieving something. It is the relentless pursuit of what I don’t know. Society has programmed us to stay busy, to work, accomplish, strive, but is anyone feeling good about this or just anxious because they aren’t doing enough? Working towards something that lights up your life, fills your soul, excites you and invites you to expand your mind, your life, your health or experience is fantastic. Spending all our energy towards something that is killing our soul is not. If we have a finite amount of time here on Earth, why aren’t we treating our precious time as the gift that it is? Why are we wasting it in relationships that don’t feel right or jobs that are sucking our soul out of us? Why are we justifying and complaining about choices we are making that are not in alignment with who we are or what we believe in? I wonder how many people smile on the outside but on the inside their soul is crying.
Everything in life is a choice. We choose what to eat, what to wear, who to invite or allow into our life. We choose to stay in a job or relationship or leave. We choose where to live and how to spend our free time. I invite you to check in with yourself every day and ask if the things you are inviting in are resonating with you or not. Years ago, I made a choice to allow only things that align with who I AM into my life. The things that didn’t align with who I AM were released with love. If it came to family relationships, I detached. I no longer felt the need to call, keep in touch, purchase birthday gifts or send a holiday card. Why should I nurture a relationship that was only one sided? Why should I go through the effort because it was expected if I didn’t feel it in my heart? How often do we compromise because someone expects something from us? I decided this was not going to be a part of my life anymore and I wasn’t going to feel bad about it either. People could have negative opinions, people could judge me, but honestly, I love and honor myself more than the opinion of anyone else. I am not unkind about it, I have just taken a step back from the people and situations in my life that don’t feel aligned.
This detachment has created space to invite in things that I love. I meet new and interesting people. I have time for experiences that I enjoy rather than obligations that drag me down. I focus on love and I don’t keep score. When I am in full alignment with my truth I feel only the highest energy, I feel filled with light instead of weighed down by negativity. The most important thing that came from my decision to honor myself was learning to set boundaries not only with other people, but boundaries around how I was treating myself.
I realized I had been pretty hard on myself around my value and worth. I felt that my worth was based on my income or my weight or my external world, when all along I have been a beautiful worthy individual inside my heart. I had forgotten that I was enough. Most people have forgotten that they are enough just being true to who they are. It’s merely the reflection of the insecurity within other people that is projected onto us that makes us feel unworthy. We have forgotten who we are, why we are here. The other day in my meditation I received a powerful message which was there is nothing more you need to do. I had been wondering what I needed to do next for my business. I am bombarded with messages about how to achieve and earn more, and I’m constantly being sold something to make me better, insinuating that I’m not enough! Every day my life purpose is to show up for people who I am interacting with in my life with unconditional love. That is what I do, that is why I am here, that is my life purpose. I honor myself and I honor the person in front of me whether it’s my client, my husband, my friends, family, the waiter or even my dog. I show up for people as my highest and best self.
The breakthrough moment came when I received that message in my meditation. I don’t have to BE anything other than myself. I need to get up each day and be the highest and best version of me. I work on the projects that call to me and let the rest of the magic unfold organically and naturally. It’s my state of being, the vibrational frequency I hold that determines my outcome. Opportunities are attracted to me, I meet the right people, I take the next step. I refuse to allow negativity into my mind. I do not tell myself I need to do more or be more. I love myself and open my arms to receive more. I am in a space of allowing and receptivity. I AM whole and complete, so anything that comes into my life at this point is a bonus. I am currently working on my YouTube channel. Join me on my channel Wendy Hutchinson as I interview inspiring people walking their life path.
I have some great shows coming up so check it out, subscribe, like and share! I encourage you to look at all the external aspects of your life and ask yourself if you feel good about how you are spending your time. I encourage you to believe that you are already whole and complete and the idea that you are broken is simply not true. Being broken or not enough is merely a construct of the mind, we can change that story at any time, it’s up to us to choose the lens we are looking through. You are already enough, don’t let the numbers define you.
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