I’ve been interviewing people from all walks of life for my show The Path of Me on my YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCDX-BxYVubb2iHaxYUU9aQ. I started thinking about how these amazing people have created incredible lives. What was the common theme I wondered to manifesting the dream? As I went deeper to find the magic that allowed these unique and interesting lives to unfold, there were some distinct similarities. The first was a desire or pull to do something that aligned with who they were (their internal truth). Whether it was adventure, or passion around being in service to people, photography, music, or karate, whatever it was, they followed their heart and it led them exactly where they were meant to be right on time!
Something happens when we honor our soul, like a finely tuned instrument, harmony is created. Instead of swimming against the current, when we honor our truth and listen to our inner voice, everything aligns. Opportunities begin to present themselves, we meet the right people leading us to the right place, or relationship or job. When we are in alignment with our truth, we create and expand in ways we never thought possible. The farther away we get from our truth, the more suffering we create in our lives. It’s almost a betrayal of the soul to continue to travel a path that does not resonate with who we are. Get out in nature, live in the space of possibility, creation, expansion. The creating from the heart is the channeling of our inner light, the God spark within.
The second thing I noticed about the guests on my show was they followed their intuition and acted on ideas and dreams. Often, we place limitations on our dreams, as if we aren’t worthy of having such incredible lives or amazing experiences and realities. When we continue to dim our light and play small, we deny the world of our beauty and talents. We deny ourselves the gift of being who we have come here to be. We all have a GPS trying desperately to get our attention, encouraging us to move in one direction or another. I’m constantly amazed at how many people choose to ignore the call and settle for far less than they deserve. Imagine the impact of stepping into your greatness and allowing the abundance to spill over and touch and influence all the people around you.
Third, Silence the critics! Don’t allow the opinions of the people around you or even your own negative talk to keep you from moving towards your dreams. We cannot be responsible for the opinions of our friends and relatives. They will find a million reasons why we shouldn’t pursue our dreams. Play it safe they say, go for the job with benefits! When people doubt you, move forward anyway. When you are worried about failing, go forward anyway. It’s the person who tried one more time, who kept getting up after getting knocked down that makes it. Many have had to fail over and over and it was that one last submission to a publisher, or one last attempt at a job or audition that was THE ONE! Keep taking the next step and have faith that you will hit the mark if you keep trying. We are here to live a life with no regrets. Don’t allow your dreams to die with you. Release the fear and have faith that what is meant for you is meant for you. Never give up!
Finally, listen to the inner voice (not the inner critic)! The inner voice is the knowing that there is something nudging you in a certain direction. It’s heeding the call of the spirit and soul reminding you that you have come here for a reason. You have chosen to incarnate at this time into this very body, into this period in history to create impact. Yes, every person is here creating impact on the collective whether they are aware of it or not. What a tragedy it would be if we all just surrendered and gave up, if we all just tapped out without ever knowing what was possible. Stand in your truth and power and let your gifts unfold. We are here to add our beautiful essence to the collective, it is time to remember why you have chosen to come in at this time, each of us an important thread in the tapestry contributing to the heart beat of humanity.
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