Today January 20, 2019 is the Blood Wolf Moon eclipse. For me, these past few days has been about reconciling internal shifts and releasing. I feel shaken and stirred as I recognize old patterns coming to the surface to be cleared. It’s uncomfortable and predictable as we enter a new phase in our never ending evolution. This has caught me by surprise and in fact has kind of pissed me off because sometimes I want to just ride the wave and stay in the beautiful space called the Zero Point field, or field of possibility. I suppose the inner work must continue to propel me forward.
What I know for sure is I am a constant work in progress. In order to elevate I must do the deep inner work and examine all aspects of myself, not just the ones I like! I’ve seen energetic work being done on me in the past that looked like sheets of vellum being pulled off me in layers (which is what this shedding has felt like to me recently) as I release all those ugly aspects of myself. Events are presenting in my life forcing me to look at my behavior patterns. My tendency to slip into old fear patterns and to feel unworthy keep bobbing to the surface like a buoy.
Fear patterns show up for me as a response to something and the need to then control or influence the outcome. I then have a realization that I can’t control the outcome and I try to push someone else to do something to control the outcome! Ultimately, I realize what I am doing get angry at myself for slipping yet again. The only thing/person I have control over is myself! I will choose to elevate my response and thinking. I will release the vibration of fear around everything. I am choosing to love myself deeply through this process.
Are you feeling old patterns and wounds surfacing around this Blood Wolf Moon? If yes, I encourage you to sit with the discomfort rising from your belly and allow it. If you are feeling emotional, ask yourself what is being triggered in you? Be kind to yourself as you recognize the truth. Honor it, sit with it and own it. Know that by ultimately processing and releasing the things that no longer serve us we are closing the door on deep programs and wounds and opening the door for a reset and new beginning. Everything is possible if we can let go.
Selfcare is important for me and that looks like sleeping more, taking naps, slipping into hot sea salt baths and meditation. I walk my dog. I eat nourishing foods and drink a lot of water. I invite things that elevate my life instead of work against me. In these situations, I ask myself who I can call for help but ultimately, I must be the one to resolve the inner conflicts within me, no one else can do that for me. I completely release judgment around the process and experience.
Get intentional around what you want to release from your life and open your heart to love your way out of it. It could be old relationships, it could be an internal story or behavior pattern, or it could be some deep karmic patterns you have been repeating for eons. If you are reading this, I honor you and walk beside you as you set yourself free. For more information around the Blood Wolf Moon Eclipse, read more here:
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