We have just passed the Summer Solstice, both summer and winter solstice as well as other stellar alignments are a significant because of the portal alignments they provide. These are energetic gateways that we can use to amplify shifts within our personal energetic fields to shed and release things and birth new realities for ourselves. All global shifts you wish to see in the world begin with you. For those of us seeking higher ascension and are ready to uplevel our human experience the energies on the planet surface are bringing truth to the surface. Our past is coming up front and center for us to examine, and all of it encourages us to embrace and own the truth, the truth around who we are, what we have done, and a reckoning around it all. What have we made of our history?
Oneness is about becoming whole and complete as an individual. The true work is to become whole and complete within ourselves, to heal and release all aspects of self that are not aligned with our truth and core essence. Oneness is the exquisite connection of all aspects of me in all dimensions of space and time healing to create my fully embodied sovereign self. It has nothing to do with religion or spirituality at all, it is not a global phenomenon of unity, it is the full embodiment of ourselves within ourselves. For me It is me doing my inner work, finding inner strength and courage to sit in the fires of my clearing as I burn off everything holding me back from my true empowered state. This is deep and sacred work.
When we can meet and confront ourselves around our limiting fears and beliefs and get down into the bowels of our darkness, this is where true transformation begins. It isn’t about skimming the surface of our shame stories and wounds and avoiding the “real” issues. We aren’t skipping rocks upon a glassy pond. The process is all about TRUTH, it’s about confronting ourselves and the stories we are gripping onto that no longer serve us. It’s about letting go of the crutches that have propped us up our entire lives whether they are numbing substances or behaviors, or people we have used to keep our attention from the real issues at hand. Those issues of insecurity, or abuse, or addiction, or fear that drive our behavior and keep us from doing the work to transcend it all are being reflected back in our relationships, and our workplace. Anxiety is a marker for fear which is a marker for unhealed emotions within us. Anger, also a marker for fear, depression, another gradient of fear. Until we have the courage to recognize and face our fears, we will continue to spin unconsciously around the track repeating the same behaviors creating the same experiences.
We have entered a new phase of existence, one where humanity is being tasked to confront and face their own healing. We have forever been programmed to go outside ourselves for answers, for quick fixes, for rapid “healing” or accumulation of “wealth”. The reason these things never stick is because everything starts with us. If we are not willing to get honest with ourselves about ourselves and do something proactive to shift, the patterns repeat. Sometimes this looks like complete chaos and emotional trauma which is by design presenting to us to pay attention. Healing comes from the constant alignment with ourselves. It is all encompassing and includes mind, body, and soul alignment.
We are meant to exist in unison with our energetic bodies. The rate and vibration of spin in our energetic fields creates and draws to us our reality like a magnet. Our thoughts carry frequency, our beliefs and behaviors carry frequency and all of them are creating realities that align with that frequency. The more we can clear within ourselves, our wounds, negative feelings and emotions and transmute them to higher light, the higher we rise and closer we become to oneness. There is no spiritual bypassing to this process. We must feel, process, then release all that is not resonant with our inner truth. When we can energetically trust our inner guidance and let go of the things holding us back (ballast) we rise, and our light body vibrates at a faster rate of spin. Living our truth through aligned action, good nutrition, and inviting in higher vibrational people and things into our lives supports the light body. Any distortion in our personal fields keeps us from obtaining oneness within ourselves.
Humanity often fails to question information given. The lack of discernment often creates attachment to ideas or beliefs that do not resonate with our own personal truth. Our core beliefs should come from within ourselves, not a book, not a culture, not from anything external to us. We live in a world that expects conformity, yet we are unique beings of light and each of us has something to offer the world. Oneness unfolds organically as we embrace the truth of who we are and then become the expression of ourselves in everything we do. It has nothing to do with recognition or wealth, it has nothing to do with social acceptance or conformity. Oneness has nothing to do with joining hands with the entire global population and having a kumbaya moment!
Many people feel oneness is the collective joining hands and “jumping” into a higher dimensional reality in one magical moment, but everyone is on their own journey of awakening, and all are walking different paths and existing in different levels of energetic frequency, therefore this utopia moment cannot exist. We all choose our own experience and not everyone is ascending to the same place or choosing the same experience. We have soul contracts, and personal choices, all of them right for us. Every person chooses their journey and no amount of saving, praying, enabling, or “healing” is going to pull them up to the level you want for them. We all choose the level of ascension or evolution we want, and then lend our vibrational essence to the collective consciousness. We are all on that cruise ship crossing the finish line at the same time yes, but our alignment we choose impacts our human experience. Will we cross in the Presidential Suite with expansive views and a life of ease and comfort, or will we be in the bowels of the engine room below? It doesn’t matter because each person has chosen, and it will always be the right choice regardless of our personal opinion as an observer.
We are at a critical juncture, a jumping off point to decide whether we will continue to rescue everyone or save ourselves. Misplaced compassion will pull you down. Securing everyone else’s life vest and forgetting your own is a problem. The most empowered choice you can make at this time is to get clear around who you are and why you are here. Find your truth and follow it. Face your fears and take aligned action. Get clear on who you are and where your priorities lie then begin to align with that one step at a time. Oneness begins with you and your willingness to love yourself completely.
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