The awakened woman knows herself. She is fearless and empowered as she steps into her power knowing nothing and no one can stop her. She can no longer be controlled or manipulated because she sees the wounds so clearly in those who fill their void by needing control. She knows the suffering of service at her expense and has overcome challenge after challenge to heal the wound of unworthiness. With each obstacle she overcomes she slowly climbs out of the unconscious state she has been existing in. She has clarity around who she is and why she is here, she refuses to play by the bullshit rules society imposed on her. She blazes her own trail and runs with it.
She bows to no one and refuses to compromise her integrity, time and energy by allowing those who cannot meet her with integrity and alignment into her sphere. An awakened woman listens to her heart and although she is compassionate and kind, her boundaries are firm. She expects a man to meet her as an equal not treat her as less than. She seeks authentic relationships and releases those who feel shallow and lost.
Her energy is her currency and she protects it fiercely. She is a warrior and knows when to bring that energy forward or purr like a kitten in a space of emotional safety. She is held by herself and her own knowing. She is fearless as she navigates life’s challenges, observing not reacting, holding only the highest and best timeline for her growth and healing in her heart.
She will rise and rise again not for recognition but for the power of service to self and then be the fullest expression of her in service to others. Her heart is wide open but if you can’t meet her there, you will lose the opportunity to know true love. One that occurs when two equals meet. She knows herself, she knows her Soul. The Ego no longer dwells in her, nursing the wounds and holding her prisoner to false beliefs about her worthiness. She has broken the chains and is now Sovereign and Free.
She is fire and ignited with passion and purpose. Her light is blinding and her truth is her compass and guide. This woman will blaze trails for others to follow and create a paradigm of her own because the old patriarchal system is dead to her.
When you meet an awakened woman be ready to do your shadow work because she has done hers and will expect nothing less of you. Those who have the courage and heart to meet her will know what true love and partnership is and together they will rise.
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