The year 2022 is coming in hot and I’ve decided to be bold and brave. I’ve had a complete shift in my mindset as I conquered fear and reprogrammed core beliefs about myself. It was a long process to come back to me and let go of all the social and cultural programming keeping me small and dimming my light. My journey began around 2009. I was being shaken and stirred by events in my personal life which I talk about in my book “Finding the Path of Me.” I think we all get lost in the hustle and the daily grind and forget who we are and why we are here. For many years I knew I was here on the planet for a reason. The visions I got in my meditations were about assisting humanity, but I was not in the mental or emotional space to accept that and kept ignoring the signs. It was easier to play it safe, remain in a limited mindset and carry on as if nothing was going to change. I didn’t believe in myself.
After years of work on myself, I connected with me at source and came fully forward into my being. There were several things that helped me get here. I did intense work on clearing emotional wounds, family of origin stories, and remapped my neural pathways with conscious effort to change the relationship with myself. I trust my intuition and my work as a Marconic Energy Healer accelerated my path. I stopped comparing myself to others and made a commitment to stay in my lane and learned to emotionally detach from the outcomes of everyone around me; I always bring my energy back to what best supports me. Most important, I let go of everything not aligned with me (people, places, things).
Everything changed in a radical way after doing my inner work. Some people call it the shadow work, but I call it sitting in the fire. It’s an art form learning to sit with the truth about ourselves and how we have been showing up in the world. We tend to show up from our wounds until we realize we are responsible for everything we created in our lives and only then do we begin to heal. My desire to become a better version of me somehow landed me on a spiritual path. I wasn’t a yogi, or burning incense, or doing sage and breathwork. I was simply following my intuition and learning to trust myself and the more I did that, the more my consciousness opened. This radical awakening to who I am and why I am here expanded connection with my higher selves and offered a higher understanding of my human ascension. Personal experience is a great teacher.
It was around 2016 that I started coming online intuitively and it was like being fast tracked by my spiritual “team” to position me to do the work I am doing today. Basically, I was cracked open, and my mind was blown by the information that was coming in. I was answering the call of my soul to do the work I came here to do. Many people get deeply embedded in unsatisfying work, jobs that pay the bills but literally destroy their mental, emotional, and physical health. They have traded their soul path for stress and burnout. This is not the space to create an incredible life, which means there’s a degree of unhappiness and sacrifice experienced from these choices. Being bold and brave means sometimes taking a leap of faith and radically shifting directions. It can mean choosing your mental health and happiness over social expectation and the constant need to make others happy. They key for me was learning that I matter, my happiness matters and my worth is inherent not earned.
Embracing the knowing that I am worthy allowed me to unconditionally love myself. In this space the inner critic is silenced. Those doubts start to fade into the background as I pursue things that are uncomfortable, but also move me forward. I had to master the art of shedding and releasing and learn to trust my inner knowing as layers of fear peeled away. Public opinion keeps so many people trapped in a limited mindset and keeps people from pursuing their dreams. Things that are not aligned with me fell away as I let go of everything not aligned for me. I accepted it all and learned not to take anything personally. I released everything that did not support my journey. I released my attachment to outcomes; My worthiness has nothing to do with being popular or accepted or with my “success” in life. When you know who you are, embody and love yourself, all the agendas fall away.
Being bold and brave for me means staying in my lane. I have faith in the process and know that all is unfolding in perfect timing. I know who I am and bring my attention and focus back to me. Staying in my lane puts all my energy on personal growth not on comparing myself to others. I’m locked in and laser focused on my work, my passion, and fully expressing myself as a soul in everything I do. I hold my head high and put myself front and center instead of shrinking and hanging out in the shadows. It’s so easy to settle and choose to remain the same. There’s nothing wrong with that, but I like to learn and grow and share my journey and what I’ve learned with others.
As I traveled my path, my Ego was quieter as I allowed my heart and intuition to guide me. I don’t worry about how things are going to work out or the timing. I’m kind to myself and commit to aligned actions big or small towards whatever direction I’m guiding in. I tune out the critics, because most of them are not in the arena doing what I am doing. There are times I feel some fear rising to the surface but I’m faster at transmuting those feelings. In November I published my first book. It took courage for me to be vulnerable and share my story and I felt kind of sick when I sent the final draft to the publisher. I took a moment to breathe and tell myself everything was going to work out. Sometimes acts of courage are moments when you want to retreat but instead you press on. Around Winter Solstice December 21,2021 the messages started coming in “Be Bold Be Brave” presented like a constant mantra in my awareness and consciousness. I felt the power of those words, the vibration of them pushing me fearlessly onward.
For me, being fearless looks like moving in directions I’m guided to intuitively even when I’m uncomfortable. Often, I’m silencing the inner critic. Rome wasn’t built in a day, so I break my life down into bite size pieces. Prior to doing my inner work I was a master at limiting risk. My fear of failure was so great I always opted to play it safe. I’m taking the opposite approach in 2022 because I know taking aligned action creates the timeline that attracts everything to support my journey. The power of my mind and the energetic frequency I hold create everything in my reality. EVERYTHING is a manifestation of my own design. We are all incredible at manifesting, but we don’t always recognize the gifts. We manifest soul lessons which often present as challenges that people perceive as “bad” even if they are moving us in the right direction.
We are energy and consciousness, and both are constantly creating our reality. We attract what we are vibrationally. If you live in a fear mindset, you hold a frequency which attracts lower vibrational experiences. Holding higher frequencies on the other hand, creates more flow and abundance. Our core beliefs ripple out in energetic waves, beliefs about ourselves (our worthiness) create our reality. Alignment with our truth, speaking it, owning it, and actions reflecting it, create magic. We must cut things that aren’t aligned help to raise our energetic frequency. The moment I understood my frequency was affecting my reality, I started to work on clearing everything adding weight and density to my field. Holding the higher frequencies create a life of more inner peace and flow. As I gain clarity around who I am on a soul level, I let go of a lot of negative thoughts about myself. The Ego and the fear quieted down.
Being fearless doesn’t mean doing something crazy. Sometimes being fearless is saying I love you, or picking up the phone and talking to someone you had a falling out with. Being fearless can be facing cancer or moving through a divorce. There are so many challenges in life that require faith over fear. What helps me is the knowing that everything is working out in my favor despite how it is presenting in this now moment. For me, being fearless is moving through my emotional discomfort and doing it anyway.
Detachment has been a huge part of my ability to move forward in a fearless way. Emotional detachment means I don’t judge myself harshly, I don’t turn everything into a personal slight or story about me. Anything falling out of my life is not meant to be here. This creates space for things that support me on my journey. There is nothing that I do out of guilt or obligation which means no one can manipulate me. I just say no unapologetically and carry on. There is a difference between constantly sacrificing yourself and empowerment. I have walked that path of serving others at my own expense. I lost myself completely and was miserable. I will never do that again because I respect and love myself too much.
This is the year I am going to commit to being bold and brave in all aspects of my life. I’m not going to talk myself out of things I feel called to do. I’m going to make aligned choices even if they make me uncomfortable. I’m willing to learn new things and take on projects that require me to step out of my comfort zone. I don’t have to be perfect; I don’t have to have all the answers, I just must have the courage to take the first step to come out of the shadows and into the light.
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