In these times of uncertainty, people are clinging to fear. They are glued to the news of one natural disaster after another around the world and wondering why GOD is punishing humanity, trying to make sense of it all. People crave structure and order and neat little boxes to categorize everything. Are you a Catholic? We drop you in this box. A Muslim? We drop you in this box. Spiritual, rich or poor? We drop you in a box. Across the board we are trying to make sense of the world around us, it’s inhabitants and the global events unfolding. What people are failing to see, is there is a bigger picture at work here. The framework, which is based in energy and frequency which is the collective consciousness that links all of us together. We, get to choose how we respond and process all information coming into our field. If someone gets too close to us for example, we can choose to step away and create some space, and that is what I am asking you to do here. We can choose to light another’s candle with our own without diminishing ourselves.
Let’s step back and allow ourselves to process what is happening around the world. There are very real threats to our wellbeing. There is a very real potential for Nuclear War. There are people and communities devastated and suffering from the aftermath of recent hurricanes and earthquakes. What is the best use of our energy under these circumstances? Is it going down the rabbit hole of anxiety and fear or stepping back and focusing our energy on how we can best show up for ourselves and our fellow man during these troubling times? How can we be the best versions of ourselves during these events and more importantly how can we come together and transcend all the divisive boxes I described above to connect to our community both locally and globally? It is not geographic location, or the color of our skin, or religious tradition that separates us, it is the decision an individual makes to create division and separation by looking for the differences rather than finding the connection. Fear, is what divides us. Fear controls us, presented through the constant barrage of negative stories in the news.
We can choose love and hope and transcend fear. We can make a donation to charity, we can volunteer, we can organize an event like a food drive or clothing drive or a dog rescue to help those in affected areas. We can get involved and start connecting rather than discussing in hushed tones the tragic events and worrying about the future. What can we do right now to be the best versions of ourselves? We can collectively focus our energy on holding the vision of the N. Korean dictator being prosecuted and his people being reunited with their brothers in S. Korea bringing love and unity to a community that has been long deprived of basic human rights. We can acknowledge what is happening around us, and choose to respond in the highest way possible, elevating ourselves and those around us and sending a ripple effect out into the world. We can shift our attention to HOPE.
Hope and faith are the best tools we have at the moment. I remember when Vice President Biden lost his son a few years back, his wife told him “faith, shines brightest in the dark”, or something like that. Those words had such an impact on me, because it is the one thing we need to hold onto in uncertain times. Faith, that everything will be OK. Faith that we have the fortitude and strength to move past everything happening in our world and not only survive but thrive. Hope, that there is a solution and healing that can occur regardless of circumstance and perceived division amongst us. The power is in unity. The power is in collective efforts. The power is in YOU!
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