I used to be someone who looked to my left and to my right. This meant I was always noticing what someone had that I didn’t have. There was a sense of lack in my life, not just physical things but internal things. It was a feeling of looking over the fence and thinking “I want that”. I want that 3-week trip to Europe, I want my kids to be “successful”, whatever “successful” is. I want my husband to love me like that, to do something “that” thoughtful and sweet. This left a feeling of separation and it didn’t feel good. I decided to put my blinders on and focus on all the blessings in my life. My husband just bought me 2 bouquets of roses (I mean wow, that’s so thoughtful), we are planning our 30th anniversary trip. We’ve managed to stay married for 30 years! I’m so excited about this because we still love each other, and he makes me laugh and smile when I see him. My gratitude practice has been a huge part of elevating me every day to a place that allows me to help others to the best of my ability.
The main tool for me though, has been staying in my lane. I’m a life coach and Marconic Energy Practitioner. When you have your own business, you take notice of what people around you are doing. You see people rushing to sign up for webinars and workshops to better themselves. You see hard core advertising of their services on Facebook or intense self-promotion. That’s not who I am, but there’s this little voice in my head wondering if I’m doing something wrong, even though what I’m doing feels so right. Recently I was invited to an entrepreneur Facebook group. We were asked to introduce ourselves. I posted a few sentences about myself and my business. One woman posted her information and it went something like this, “Hi, I’m a veteran published author (9 books), international speaker, I travel the world inspiring people around the world, my goal is to leave a legacy of inspiring the world. I have 3 books on tap to be released in 2018, I lead huge workshops and masterminds and unite people to inspire the world”. It was much longer, but you get the gist, I was thinking, maybe I’ll just edit myself out of this group because really, I’m not here to compete. That didn’t make me feel like I was part of a community, it felt like someone saying look at how amazing I am, keep up bitches! I let my work speak for itself. I feel great about myself and my business, but there’s a small piece of me asking if I need to do more and be more. That’s when I heard a beautiful voice in my head saying you are exactly who you need to be and where you need to be. What others are doing has no impact whatsoever on who you are or the work you came here to do.
Do not look to the left or right, for those experiences or victories are for them, you have your own unique gifts to bring to the world and there is no price, or award, or accolade that can equate to the value you are bringing to everyone you encounter. This is not a competition. This is not a numbers game. This isn’t a contest to see who can publish the most books, speak at the most conventions. You can impact a huge number of people by changing the life of one person. It is essential to stay in your own lane and run your own race. You are here to bring light to the people around you. You can only do this by amplifying your own light. There is no need to compete. There is no need to compare. You have everything you need to be who you came here to be. It has nothing to do with what anyone around you is doing. The most important thing, is to rise each day and be aligned with your truth, with your path, with yourself. Focus on personal expansion, awareness of how to become a better version of you. There is no need to announce to the world who you are because your mere presence says it all.
Although often we feel ordinary or small, we are far from ordinary and small. We impact humanity by how we show up for ourselves. We impact the collective by adding our unique blend and essence of who we are to the collective energy of the world. Wake up today and stay in your lane. Love yourself.
Do not look to your left or to your right because you came here to shine and shine you will. The best way to rise, to elevate your game, is to dig deep and find the courage to be yourself. Find the courage to take off the mask and do something that scares you a little bit. Often the fear is far greater than the reality. If we constantly stay in the box and compare ourselves to others, if we constantly worry about judgment or what people think we will never rise to our fullest potential. If we consistently live from the heart, wake up every day and become a slightly better version of ourselves, we are making a huge difference for mankind. I may not be the most beautiful woman, the most published, the greatest speaker, but I am the most beautiful accomplished version of me. Living my life from that place creates a strength and grace and unbridled power that allows me to give those bitches a nod of acknowledgment and not be brought down. I may not change the world, but I will have impacted the lives of many in a positive way, and in turn, they will impact those around them, creating a ripple effect far to great to be measured. This dark horse is starting to make her move and when I’m finished people will know my name.
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