There’s a revolution going on within, a tumultuous revolt of the Soul reclaiming its place in the driver’s seat as the Ego fights valiantly to hold on. After 2 years of being forced into more presence and solitude, people are coming face to face with themselves and the inner truths rising. What was tolerable has become intolerable and that creates emotional discomfort that is impossible to run from. The question is, how do we move forward and create change in a healthy way? There are family members to consider, children, partners, work obligations, and so much at stake, but ultimately people are coming to their limits around sacrificing the Soul Self for others. Our transformation is happening now.
Ignoring the signs starts to manifest in exhaustion, depression, physical symptoms, and anxiety. There is literally nowhere to run anymore for comfort, yet remaining in the discomfort is debilitating. People don’t realize we are slaying old aspects of Self moving us into a higher level of existence. Release things that no longer resonate. As we ascend higher we move into new realities by letting go of everything not aligned with our truth. Our human frequency must be in resonance with the higher frequencies hitting the planet and that requires full acceptance of our reality; acknowledge the truth to fully heal our relationship with ourselves. The alcohol is not going to work anymore, or the shopping, or busyness because life will keep pushing those thorns up and out for us to clear it all.
Our soul is coming forward, emerging after a long dance with the Ego. Aspects of ourselves have “protected” us from emotional and physical harm, but as we enter a higher state of being, those outdated programs are no longer relevant or necessary. Human history has been manipulated by fear spread through war, politics, religion, cultural programming and patterning, the media, and past life histories. The higher frequencies on the planet are demanding truth, connection, unity, heart resonance with others and love. Connection is supported rather than separation, and we are seeing the breakdown of these patterns in current events as people are choosing freedom, courage, truth, and discernment in their everyday lives. Truth rises as real time events force us to look at ourselves. What are we holding onto that we must release? It is time to silence the Ego Mind and move forward with deep heart-based alignment. The Ego however will not go down without a fight.
We are emerging, like the butterfly from the chrysalis, transformation is a messy business. The butterfly must first be reduced to an unrecognizable mess before transformation into a gorgeous and glorious state of being. The messy part is a transitional state not a permanent one. Be flexible and bend and allow the flowing emotions. The Ego will try to convince us to remain the same. It will make excuses and justify accepting things that do not support higher ascension. There’s safety and comfort in settling for things no longer in alignment with who we are becoming. Be present and feel what you need to feel around truths rising. Release harsh judgment of yourself and the story you are telling about yourself.
Emancipation comes by choosing evolution in our human experience; move forward one step at a time. We are destroying old paradigms and updating our software so to speak to create from new expanded consciousness and alignment with our higher selves. During this sacred soul work, the human Ego will continue to plant fears around everything. Negative limiting beliefs will play on repeat. The reality is we are a work in progress and here for the evolution of our soul.
We are here to learn and become the highest and best version of ourselves. Those of us seeking higher ascension must shed and release old versions of ourselves. The process requires detachment from our story, outdated programming, and negative opinions, as well as the opinions of others. We are literally being energetically stripped of everything that does not support us moving forward in life. This is a necessary for the emancipation of our being, stop fighting for your limitations. Circumstances will require full surrender and release of ALL that no longer serves us.
There’s no mercy when it comes to the truth. We can’t unsee what we see, we can’t unknow what we know. Universal truth is being presented to everyone and we are feeling it deep in our soul. It can be a call to a higher purpose, it may be a call to change our environment or friend circle or partner. Whatever it is, pay attention to the calling. The sooner we own it and face it, the easier the process will go. Our destiny is unfolding, regardless of how hard we resist. Surrender and allow the process. Our choices create the unfolding of this full reset back to origin, to a life guided by our intuition and heart. It’s freedom from limiting beliefs and control programs that have dictated the tides of men for too long. This unveiling of the new world is supported by both seen and unseen energies; there are forces at play beyond our awareness.
Accept what is happening. Observe the experience and the emotions attached to it. Allow fear to wash through you instead of trying to react and control the unfolding. Be present, breathe, pause. Feel the feelings but don’t attach to the feelings. Just observe without judgment. ALLOW and ACKNOWLEDGE the experience. Support yourself with kind thoughts, actions, and words. When negativity comes forward. Incorporate daily healthy patterns like going for a walk, phoning a friend, journaling, or whatever it is that offers you support in this now moment. Spend time in nature or alone to process the energies bubbling up inside.
Perspective is everything. Change the lens, let go of fear. When we accept the experience (regardless of how emotionally painful it is) we allow the energy of it to flow through us. We create energetic blocks when we resist our experience, and the mind begins to take us for a ride. It’s easy to spiral down. The “what if” narrative amplifies fear. Everything is now conspiring to move us onto our most benevolent timeline. Often this requires letting go of something or someone and processing the grief around the loss. Our higher selves are moving mountains to create scenarios to get us where we agreed to be at this point on our journey. The chaos is creating the most benevolent outcome for all so TRUST THE PROCESS.
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