We are here at this very moment experiencing The Event Horizon, an event many have talked about in the spiritual community. A transition out of the 3D corridor of fear and struggle into higher dimensional realities is here should you choose to align with those realities energetically in thought and action. The global pandemic has allowed the entire world to pause and go in, connecting to themselves and finding revelations bubbling to the surface. How people handle their truth is telling. Dimensional shifts are playing out in our human experience both as individuals and as a human collective. The spectrum is vast and wide swinging from the lower vibrations of separation and fear that we find in the mob or the masses all the way to the higher vibrational experience of the masters. These vibrations manifest physically, creating chaos and drama (deep fear programs and feelings of separation), or on the other end of the spectrum an experience that results from showing up from a higher perspective creating harmony, love, and connection.
Our physical reality is the reflection of our energetic vibration, all of it a product choice, karma, and soul contract. The beauty is each person chooses their experience. Ascension is not a kumbaya experience where we all hold hands and jump into the same new reality. A quantum shift as a collective to 5D is not possible because each person holds a different energetic frequency in resonance to different realities (dimensions). Going higher requires the release and healing of our karma and the dropping of density. We are shifting from carbon based to light body, Earth’s ascent into higher harmonics requires her inhabitants to hold higher frequencies to align with the higher harmonic bandwidths (dimensional spaces). It is not enough to touch those higher harmonics, we must assimilate and hold/anchor the frequency. The transition from carbon based to light demands the surrender of all that no longer aligns with the lower harmonics of 3D, refusal to let go is a choice to remain in the drama and struggle experience the 3D fear frequencies provide. Everyone has the right to choose.
Ascension is happening both on an individual as well as collective level. We all have free will in choosing how we respond to the world around us. The choices being made at this time affect us personally, but also contribute to the collective consciousness here on the planet. We are like the drop of water in the ocean, we can be separate as the drop of water or become one with the ocean. Both the drop and the ocean coexist. At this pivotal time, people will make their choices either on a conscious or subconscious level to evolve or remain the same. There are no wrong answers and status and wealth are no indication of spiritual mastery and evolution. The homeless person on the street may be far more evolved than the CEO in the ivory tower.
It is imperative that we confront our inner knowing and truth around what is holding us back and weighing heavy on us to create a reality that allows us to have an easier human experience. We must accept all aspects of our human experience, not just the glossy parts. Through acceptance and unconditional love for ourselves, the experience of harmony, inner peace, flow, and abundance in all forms will be created by that vibration. Alignment from us to us by us to Source is the anchor creating it all. Our higher selves are urging us to evolve in this NOW moment because the choices we make in human form affect our soul evolution/ascension.
Every dimension holds its own frequency bandwidth and there are many frequency/energy bandwidths within each dimension (144 total in this Universal matrix). Many lightworks choosing ascension are currently in the 4D corridor. They may be in the harmonics of lower 4th or higher 4th working their way through varying degrees of karma and programming personal to them, fighting to break free of the Ego. The Ego is fighting for its life right now as people connect more to the heart and higher frequencies of love. Dimensional shifts demand the taming of the Ego mind which has held us hostage through fear frequencies and negative thinking. The time is now to surrender our past completely and shift into a creation mindset. The unresolved emotional baggage must go. Reconnection to the soul and inner being is imperative for our soul evolution. Listen to your own knowing and inner being for the answers. Your truth is the key to your ascension, not the truths others are placing on you.
The event horizon is here presenting as a global pandemic to slow everything down giving us permission to be home, lose the distractions, and pay attention to our behavior, choices, and feelings. We will bear witness to events that we find intolerable, injustice, natural disaster, all of it forcing us to choose our alignment. Who do we want to be in this world and how will we choose to respond? We once comfortably straddled two train tracks, perhaps one foot in both worlds and deeply embedded in what we placed value on, the world of work, responsibility and human life, and the other dabbling part time in spiritual evolution or God (or whatever you have aligned with). We now find ourselves stretched thin as the tracks diverge and choices must be made.
As the tracks diverge, we must choose what we are going to align with. The distractions, the things we placed so much importance on may not be what we truly value. There’s sort of a dissolution of what we believed to be true, and a new awakening within ourselves around what is truth for us. Values are shifting. We are witnessing terrible things occurring in our world, but we are also finding beauty, love, laughter, inspiration, and connection. On one hand we have trauma and destruction and fear, while on the other, people are creating love-based solutions, inspiration, and stepping into our roles here, showing up to make a difference. Polarity is necessary for us to experience both sides, each a frame of reference for the other.
People are finding purpose, coming up with heart-based solutions. Individuals are now connecting with families on zoom or Facetime. Instead of separation, the pandemic is creating inclusion and connection. There are tragic events unfolding on the national and global stage, but they too are playing a role by drawing attention to inequality shining a light on things that must shift in our new reality. Will we open our hearts more, or fuel the fires of outrage and judgment? Everything begins with us as individuals and these events and truths presenting in our lives are the signpost allowing us to examine and choose how we will show up in the world.
The experience of the 5D is not necessarily the final destination. Think of it like an airport. Not everyone is getting on the same plane to London, but everyone is in the airport traveling to their own destination. This is the metaphor for ascension, everyone is ascending (traveling) somewhere, but the experience will be different based on individual choice. Will people choose an easy journey or one fraught with obstacles and struggle? Will your travel experience be perfect as you flow through TSA precheck, grab your lunch, and take your seat on a smooth and seamless flight, or experience delays and an obnoxious seat mate, and radical turbulence? WE ARE THE CREATORS OF OUR LIFE WE CREATE OUR EXPERIENCE HERE ON EARTH! 100% of our experiences are for soul growth and the level of mastery with which we respond to those experiences.
The Event Horizon is the catalyst for change. The path has been mapped out for you, stay on the path. Align with yourself, put your oxygen mask on first. Take care of yourself, ask for what you need, be kind to yourself and stop giving at your own expense. If you are giving to someone do it because you want to and it aligns with your heart, not because you feel guilty or shamed or forced. When you veer off you will know it, you will feel discomfort inside, emotional pulls, resentment. When this happens realign with yourself. Here are a few suggestions on how to embrace this event horizon and go higher:
- Recognize and let go of fear
- Align with your truth (speak it, act on it, live it)
- Reconnect to Yourself
- Trust your inner guidance
- Feel (answers and truth live in your heart space) your way through life
The opportunity for you to radically change your life for the better is here in this now moment. Will you reach from the brass ring or let it pass you by as you take another trip around waiting for another pass? Everything is in your hands and THE TIME IS NOW!
thx Wendy
Thanks Laurie for checking it out!