The new year brings the promise of a different result. People trying to achieve more, be more, get more. People examining their life and looking for that magic bullet that is going to change everything this year. Some are looking to webinars and workshops that will take them towards the dream, but the answers aren’t out there, the magic is inside of us. If only I could hold a mirror up for you to see who you really are. Only a small percentage will tap into their personal power, trust their intuition, clear the mind of the mental clutter and create the space to find the answers. We over complicate everything, when in fact the answer is simple. Trust yourself! Own your truth! Come back into alignment with who you are. Go within for the answers. When you are in complete alignment and living authentically, your reality aligns with that truth. When resistance melts away, you create the energy of receptivity. This allows you to receive the abundance that the universe has coming to you. Stop fighting and surrender.
In the trying we create resistance. The EGO, defines our worth by our income, our reputation, our profession, our possessions and creates separation from others. The EGO creates competition and comparison. We are working to acquire all these things, creating a need to be better than our fellow man or at least better than we were before, as well as fueling the insecurity and story that we aren’t enough. We gain more and yet hold this hollow internal space we keep trying to fill. It is a void that cannot be filled with anything external, it is a space that can only be whole and complete by healing the soul, by doing the work. Programmed to equate our value as human beings with what we have, we have forgotten that our value is inherent. We are born as the magnificent beings we are meant to be. When you discover who you are on the inside, nothing more needs to be added to the already perfect blend. We come into this life whole and complete. As children, we play, we learn, we create, and we express ourselves fully. There are no filters. We are exploring our lives true to who we are until society starts labeling and putting us in different boxes.
Where we were once inclusive, we become exclusive. The labels create separation. Instead of holding each other’s hands and lifting each other up, we start to break off into clicks and groups and label anyone who is different. We begin looking outside ourselves for answers. We look to our religious and political leaders, our family, our friends, our gurus and teachers, when in fact, we should be honoring and seeking truth for ourselves within ourselves. We long to fit in. We all possess source energy, the very thing that created us unites us. Every single one of us is born with the knowledge, the skills, and the talents to be exactly who we came here to be. Our greatness has nothing to do with anything external. Aren’t we really looking for fulfillment rather than achievement? That can only be acquired by knowing who you are, and by walking the path laid out by you for you back to you.
Being stripped down allows us to see what is important in this life. Our health and our relationships are important. Joy is important and responding to every situation from a place of love is important. More effort should be going towards connection to our fellow man, yet we chase external things as if owning them will somehow make us better, distinguish us from the pack. We stand against agendas and politicians, we march in protest creating division rather than inclusion. When we create groups, we exclude other groups. When we protest we come from a place of anger not a place of love. Love looks like connection, communication, conversation and tolerance. Love looks like community and solutions, not a rant or a chant or a march. Why can’t we love ourselves and each other? Why does there have to be a winner or loser?
I realize my perspective is different from the people around me. I live in the space of receptivity and presence. I live in harmony. I have faith that the right people will find me, and they do. I don’t promote myself or discount my services because the universe drops the right people into my life at exactly the right time. The path is laid out and I take the next step. Miracles happen for me because I believe miracles are possible.
If we all stopped focusing on how we are going to get to the top and instead focused on raising our frequency and vibration to match the frequency of our dreams, more magic would show up in our lives. You are looking everywhere for the key when in fact you hold the key to set yourself free. The human mind loves to over complicate and over think everything. We are conditioned to analyze and put things in boxes including ourselves which places limitations on our achievement. The mental constructs of the mind create limitations. I encourage you to change your mind. Embrace your truth. Do the internal work to clear the old programming and step into the knowing that what is for you is for you. Release the attachment to the outcomes. Be the best version of yourself, whatever that means for you and attract what you are seeking, rather than seeking what you wish to attract. Turn the key, set yourself free.
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