For months I kept hearing the open and close. It was on repeat in my mind from the end of summer into the cooler months of fall. It was curious and as I leaned in, it was a message about beginnings and endings. As always, when I receive information, it’s a knowing and there is usually a multidimensional overlay to it. It wasn’t just doors opening and closing but something huge completing on the planet for the birth of New Earth.
Messages I receive sometimes take time to decipher. In September/October of 2022 the revelation came that we were closing a very dark Aeon for Humanity. This close of the ascension cycle was tied to the reset of the Cosmic Clock. The Cosmic Clock reset would reconnect each Human to themselves in a more direct higher consciousness and energetic level. This kind of direct connection was not available without energy protocols or higher dimensional intervention prior to the close of the old ascension Aeon. Humanity now has everything it needs within the individual mental, emotional, physical, and light body to facilitate higher ascension and support New Earth.
The planetary architecture of the Cosmic Clock was reset back to origin on October 25th, which had immediate ramifications for the planet and all life forms here. Changing the architecture at this level meant a quantum shift in Human consciousness. The Law of One and unity consciousness isn’t just reserved for this planet, but through all dimensions. Deep clearings were necessary involving Guardian Hosts, Cosmic Mother, and Grace Elohim. Energetically it required a massive reset of everything and everyone in addition to pure alignment with the higher frequencies of the new Ascension Aeon flooding in. In effect, the planet is going to light, thus ending an incredibly dark and corrupt time within our entire universal matrix.
On October 26th, the day after the Cosmic Clock reset, The old Ascension Aeon was closed and the New Ascension Aeon sparked initiation of energetic change. New Earth was literally birthed at the inception of the New Ascension Aeon. The foremost themes are God, Sovereign, Free, which translates to the demise of enslavement of any kind, oppression, racism, energy siphoning, or anything in a frequency that does not align with the new path forward. The frequency and vibration of truth are currently clearing a lot of illusions.
Many things have since occurred on a macrocosmic level from the reset, which filtered down not only into this planetary structure, but into the consciousness grids of each Human and being on the planet. All will be impacted in profound ways. There was a simultaneous close and open and those who are not aligned to the frequencies of the new Aeon will transition or rehabilitate (with higher guidance and support).
Energetically anything not supporting the Law of One, which is the new Cosmic Law in this Earth Matrix, will collapse. As a result, we are witnessing a full consciousness awakening of humanity. Disclosure of everything that has been buried under the cover of darkness and deceit is coming forth and unmasked to the general public. The deceit has been widespread and extremely dark. We are looking at corruption at all levels of our current reality and Human rights violations in a new light.
We will see a bifurcation or split as those who choose spiritually corrupt behaviors of manipulation and abuse spiral, and those choosing higher consciousness and heart-based expansion rise. Anyone who violates cosmic laws at this time (of Unity, mutual support and energetic exchange, and love/compassion/respect), will have severe consequences. Unfortunately, many continue to deceive and exploit and siphon the energies of others under the umbrella of enlightenment and ascension. It is up to every soul to use discernment and untangle themselves from false prophets and align with their own higher-self lineage going forward.
On a human level truth is rising as a result of higher frequencies anchoring in. New architecture and energetic coding is reconnecting people to their own higher source consciousness. This internal shift is forcing truth to the surface, and we only must look at recent events in the Iran (Women, life, Freedom) movement and other global populations as they literally trip off the blinders and demand equality and freedom. Silent no longer, the people are rising.
Simultaneously, energies are being removed throughout this matrix to support the New Earth as she makes her transition physically. These energies are deeply embedded in the fabric of our lives which include pharmaceutical manipulation, money and corruption at all levels, dark web and trafficking, drugs/cartels, the ties of political agendas and false news (press narratives), and so much more. The extent of these crippling energetics on the planet are being addressed in both seen and unseen ways. We will literally witness the draining of the swamp so to speak.
As new architecture and code take hold, there is a simultaneous and deep removal of programs that have not served humanity in its pursuit of higher ascension. Not everyone will have a huge awakening or ascension acceleration, but a gradual knowing will begin. Those in the lower frequency may evolve slightly while people who are more conscious and ready will open their higher consciousness and connection to self. The doors are open and all who wish to return to their place of galactic origin may do so.
There are no barriers, or limitations going forward. All genetic implants, blocks, and seals preventing full initiation of ascension to the highest levels have been removed from the human genetic code. Humanity is now poised to create a planet that supports all, and a culture that is One World rather than the us versus them mentality.
Outdated religious, political, and warfare programming will continue to fall apart as people become more aware of the truth and trust their own inner guidance. Those who focus only on the collapse are not aware of the bigger picture. There will always be a leveling before building. There is an energetic purge happening globally on the planet surface. Intense weather patterns, volcanic eruptions, and mass extinction of species is occurring in real time now to release energy and allow those choosing to exit to do so in a way that family members can make sense of (tragic as they may be). Everything is occurring in perfect harmony and synchronicity.
We are seeing a transition politically around the globe and those who have traditionally been in power elite (those who financially back the corruption), are losing their grip on their empires. The old ways of control and manipulation, deceit and lies, are no longer supported here. We will see the fall of the traditional monarchy structure making way for more progressive models that support rather than exploit humanity. The gilded cages are melting.
The Ukraine war has done a lot to unify the world and is so much more than a war for territory. It truly represents a war fought for the principles of freedom and sovereignty. As the words the Open and the Close echoed in my consciousness so too did the words God, Sovereign, Free. God within us, ourselves at the highest consciousness level, our souls as independent sovereign beings, and the freedom that comes from that alignment is the foundation of this newly opened Ascension Aeon.
To the lightworkers and “spiritual people” we are no longer fighting a spiritual war, nor are we fighting within ourselves to connect and find the answers. Everything is available through the energetic grids and mapping of the architecture of the cosmic clock (created by the Hands of God) outside of linear time. It is time to live in the now moment, to truly look at the Ego and where these blind spots may be holding you back. It is time to ask yourself if you are following a false prophet or leading from the Ego, not the Soul. The truth will be revealed one way or another. Be gentle with yourself as the revelations become clear.
The best way to navigate these powerful shifts is to remain grounded, be open to receive the inner guidance coming in. Higher selves are forward more since divine and free will have merged. Hydrate. Be aware that the Human light body is undergoing a massive shift and change. Rest when your body requires rest. Listen to your heart. Know that many healing modalities such as Reiki designed for the 3D body template will become obsolete. New healing support will emerge.
Remain aligned as you step into the new world. Stay in your lane. Work on the Ego, follow your intuition. The unfolding will take many years to fully “see” the coalescence of all things. Do not lose hope. Offer love and compassion to yourself as layers and layers peel off. Let things go. You are held and supported. It’s time to step into your role here on the planet. I offer love to you all as you embark on your journey home.
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